
The works sampled below explore some of the themes related to humanity’s social, moral, and spiritual health that have been integral to Michael’s research and teaching over the years.

Articles & Essays
Books & Monographs

Penn, M.L. (2021). Values and human rights: Implications of an emerging discourse on virtue ethics. In H. Mahmoudi, A. Brysk, & K. Seaman (Eds). The Changing Ethos of Human Rights. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.


Penn, M.L. (Fall 2020). Why constructive resilience? An autobiographical essay. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, 30, No. 3, pp. 25-36.


Penn, M.L., Groff, M., & Kourosh, N. (2020). Cultivating our common humanity: Reflections on freedom of thought, conscience and religion. In N. Rubin & R.L. Flores (Eds). The Cambridge Handbook of Human Rights, pp. 197-211. Cambridge University Press.


Penn, M.L. & Nguyen, T. (2020). Promoting human rights and human dignity in an axial age. In H. Mahmoudi & M. Penn (Eds). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human Rights, pp. 49-60. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.


Penn, M.L. (2020). Afterword. In H. Mahmoudi & M. Penn (Eds). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human Rights, pp. 175-178. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.


Penn, M.L. (July, 2020). The light was in the darkness: Reflections on the growth that hides in the pain of suffering. Bahá’í World READ HERE


Afdahl, S., Penn, M.L., Curry, M., & Younossi, Z. (2016). Hope, hopelessness, and Hepatitis C: An exploration of psychological factors that influence treatment related psychological well-being. Proceedings of the Liver Meeting 2016: American Association for the Study of Liver Disease Annual Conference.


Penn, M.L. (2015). Mind and mental health: A Bahá’í-inspired perspective. Journal of Baha’i Studies, 25, pp. 25-50.


Hall, A., Gow, K., Penn, M., & Jayawickreme, E. (2011). Strength and weakness of character: Psychological health and resilience. In Celinski, M. J., & Gow, K.M. (Eds.). Continuity Versus Creative Response to Challenge: The Primacy of Reslience & Resourcefulness in Life & Therapy. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 175-194.


Hall, A. H., Gow, K. M., & Penn, M. L. (2011). Do chronic moral emotions mediate between value congruence and psychological health in university students? In K. M. Gow & M. J. Celinski (Eds.), Wayfinding Through Life’s Challenges: Coping and Survival. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 519-531.


Landau, S., Owen, S., & Penn, M.L. (2011). Diagnosis of sexual abuse among Haitian physicians: An exploratory study. Proceedings of the 20th World Congress for Sexual Health, June 12-16, 2011. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8.


Penn, M.L. & Malik, A. (2010). The protection and development of the human spirit: An expanded focus for human rights discourse. Human Rights Quarterly, 32, 666-690.


Penn, M.L. (2010). A Proteção e o Desenvolvimento do Espirito Humano: Uma Perspectiva mais Ampla para o Discurso dos Estudos para a Paz e os Direitos Humanos. In M. Jalali Rabbani (ed.) Estudos para a Paz e Resolucao de Conflitos. Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil.


Penn, M. L. & Witkin, D. (2008). Pathognomic versus developmentally appropriate self-focus during adolescence: Theoretical concerns and clinical applications. In Diessner & Tiegs (Eds.), Sources: Notable Selections in Human Development, (Classic Edition.). Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 190-196.


Penn, M.L. & Clarke, P.J. (2008). Art, culture & pediatric mental and behavioral health. In B. Koan (Ed.) Oxford Handbook of Medical Ethnomusicology, pp. 72-92. Oxford.


Penn, M.L. & Pharaon, A. (2007). Biological, psychological, and social factors in the pathogenesis of psychopathy. In G. Walker (Ed.) The Science of Morality, G. Walker (Ed.), pp. 105-116. London: Royal College of Physicians.


Penn, M.L. & Radpour, M.K. (2006). Clinical practice and the dynamics of relational authenticity. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 17, p. 152.


Penn, M.L. (2005). Inner enlightenment, moral refinement and justice: Antidotes to domestic violence. Bahá’í World, 2003-2004 (Haifa: Bahá’í World Centre).


Penn, M.L. (Winter, 2005). Reflections on Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. World Order, 36, 35-39.


Penn, M. L. & Wilson, L. (2003). Mind, medicine and metaphysics: Reflections on the reclamation of the human spirit. American Journal of Psychotherapy 57, 18-31.


Penn, M.L. (Winter, 2001). Oedipus revisited. World Order, 32, 11-18.


Penn, M. L. (2001). Reflections on human rights, moral development and the eradication of gender-based violence. In Tahirih Danesh (Ed.), Bahá’í-Inspired Perspectives on Human Rights. (Victoria, CA: Juxta Publications)


Penn, M.L. (Spring, 2001). Eradicating gender-based violence: Successes and challenges. World Order, 32, No. 3, 33-54.


Radpour, M. & Penn, M.L. (Summer, 1997). The role of religion in eradicating child sexual abuse. World Order, 28, 7-20.


Penn, M.L. (Spring, 1995). Violence against women and girls. World Order, 26, 43-54.


Penn, M.L., & Witkin, D. (1994). Self-focus during adolescence: Theoretical concerns and clinical implications. Psychotherapy, 31, 368-374.


Penn, M.L. (Winter, 1998). The journey out of the racial divide. World Order, 28, 7-21. Penn, M.L. (Summer, 1996). Reflections on the future of international relations. World Order, 27, 19-32.


Penn, M.L. & Coverdale, C. (1996). Transracial adoption: A human rights perspective. Journal of Black Psychology, 22, 232-237.


Penn, M.L. (1994). Toward a global world community: The role of black psychologists. Journal of Black Psychology, 20, 398-417.


Penn, M.L., Phillips, L., & Gaines, S.O. (1993). On the desirability of wwn-group preference [Feature Article]. Journal of Black Psychology, 19, 303-321.


Phillips, L., Penn, M.L., & Gaines, S.O. (1993). A hermeneutic rejoinder to our critics and ourselves. Journal of Black Psychology, 19, 350-357.


Penn, M.L., Stahler, G., Shipley, T.E., Comfort, M.L., & Weinberg, A. (Winter, 1993). Returning home: Reintegration of substance-abusing homeless women following detoxification. Contemporary Drug Problems.


Penn, M.L. (Winter, 1991-92). Memory, emotional processing and anxiety: A critique. Current Psychology: Research and Reviews, 10, 253-262.


Shipley, T.E., Shandler, I.W., & Penn, M.L. (Fall, 1989). Treatment and research with homeless alcoholics. Contemporary Drug Problems.